There are thousands of free True Type fonts and Dingbat fonts that can be used with "Sure Cuts A Lot". Below are a some links where you can download fonts.
Method 1. Go to the
Start Menu, then Control Panel. Double click on Fonts. Choose File menu, then Install New Font. From the Add Fonts dialog box, navigate to the lcoation of your font and click OK.
Method 2. Navigate to the Windows\Fonts folder. Drag and drop the fonts to install onto the Fonts folder.
*When downloading fonts, they may be zipped (.zip). You will need to unzip before installing the fonts.
Method 1.
Go to the Start Menu, then Control Panel. Choose Appearance and Personalization. Then choose Fonts. From the File menu, chose Install New Font (If you don't see the File menu, press ALT). From the Add Fonts dialog box, navigate to the location of your font.
Method 2. Select and right click on the font you want to install. Select Install from the context menu.
*When downloading fonts, they may be zipped (.zip). You will need to unzip before installing the fonts.