Blade Overcut Settings

The overcut setting is used to tell the machine to cut a little further at the end of a shape to help guarantee closure. This is due to the fact that the blade tip is positioned at an angle and not directly in the center of the holder. The overcut amount set will indicate how much it should continue to cut past the end of the path.

Below is an example of how a square would cut if the overcut value is not set high enough and so the start and end points do not meet resulting in a gap in the cutting.

To correct this, you wil need to increase the overcut value in the Cutter Settings. The overcut value is the distance to continue cutting while following the actual shape. The overcut value should be enough to cover the gap left and in general should be a small value.

If we were to exaggerate the overcut value just to help better understand the above example, if each side of the square is 1 inch and you set the overcut to 4 inches, it would cut the square twice.
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