The Output section is where you can specify how it will export the merged SVG file.
DPI: Resolution of the merged SVG file. Different programs use different DPI values and will affect the dimensions when brought into other programs. For example, Adobe Illustrator and Cricut Design Space use 72, Inkscape uses 90, CorelDraw and Brother ScanNCut use 96.
Design Space compatible: Cricut DesignSpace cannot read certain elements from SVG files. When this option is enabled, the merged SVG file will force the correct DPI and remove any elements that may cause problems when trying to use the files in Cricut DesignSpace.
Auto Arrange (Remove overlaps) By default, the merged SVG files will overlap each other. If this option is enabled, you can specify how the merged SVG files will be arranged.
- Standard - Tries to best fit the SVG files together
- Horizontal - Arranges the SVG files horizontally in a single row
- Vertical - Arranges the SVG files verticlaly in a single column
- Fit into area - Tires to best fir the SVG files into a specified area
Standard | Horizontal | Vertical |
Fit into area
(Ex. 6" x 6") |