The Style settings allows you to change settings for the on screen virtual mat.
- Style: Choose how you want objects to appear.
- Normal: Original look
- Shadow: Expands the outlines
- Blackout:Removes the interior outlines
- Shadow Blackout: Combination of both the Shadow and Blackout styles
- Weld: Enable welding to combine overlapping edges. In the example below, there is a square overlapping a circle. If you check the Weld check box and choose to Preview from the Cutter menu, you should see the lines that will be cut in red and the overlapping areas will be in grey indicating they will not be cut.
- Clipping
- None: No clipping applied.
- Path: Top object will act as a clipping path where areas of the objects below the clipping path will be hidden. In example below, there is a Star shape placed over an image. If we select both the image and the star and apply the Clip Path, areas of the photo outside the star shape will now be hidden.
- Mask: Similar to clip Path, except the color of the mask will affect the opacity of the objects that are clipped. Darker colors in the Mask will result in higher transparency. White mask will be the same as a Clip Path. In the example below, we have a darker star placed over an image. If we select both the star and image and apply Clip Mask, areas of the photo outside the shape will be hidden, but because the star shape is darker color, the image will also have an added transparency added.
- Cut Line Type:
- None: Will only be displayed on the screen and will not be cut or printed.
- Cut: Normal cut line to be cut with the cutting blade. This will also print to a printer.
- Draw: Draw with a pen instead of cut with a blade.
- Score: Cut as a score line
- (Print+Cut) Cut Only: Cut with a cutting blade and will not be printed to a printer.
- (Print+Cut) Print Only: Print to a printer and will not be cut with a cutting blade.
- Color Layer Alignment (PRO Version): When doing Cut by Color, this will be cut in all colors to be used as a key to align the different color layers.
- Preset (PRO Version): Assign a cutting preset to use for this shape when it is cut with your cutting machine.
- Data Source: Assign a data source so the content can be dynamically changed.
- Edit Data Source: Add/Remove/Edit the data sources available for this project.
- Preview: Get a preview of how the project will look like when the data sources are applied.
- Make Pages: Create pages with the changes applied by the data sources.